Presentations Southside Church – Sun Valley by Admin 14/03/2020 14/03/2020 794 0 comments 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail Admin previous post How viruses and violence will change the way we deliver education next post Closing schools just means poor kids bear the brunt of the virus You may also like How to “see” in research 06/03/2025 Why schools still fail working-class children 27/09/2024 What every postdoctoral student needs to know 24/03/2024 Ten vital lessons for steering a university towards... 13/10/2023 Is there hope for South Africa? 13/10/2023 Five guidelines for doing research in leadership in... 13/10/2023 ‘Vote these buggers out of power’ – Prof... 10/08/2023 Professor Jonathan Jansen elected as a member of... 05/06/2023 Corruption and looking at SA universities: Prof Jonathan... 18/04/2023 Must watch: Prof Jonathan Jansen – A journey... 10/02/2023