Newspaper ColumnsTimes Live What’s love got to do with it? There’s a reason after matriculating, pupils do not remember expertise in a subject but recall a teacher who cared by Admin 22/05/2024 22/05/2024 480 0 comments 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail Admin previous post “How well is our higher education system faring in terms of transformation, academic rigor, freedom of speech and ethical administration?” next post Coalition politics means power tussles and not much else You may also like Blunders in Wilgenhof saga played right into the... 05/12/2024 History repeats itself as we fight about our... 28/11/2024 A loveless education deters pupils from learning 21/11/2024 What the average American cannot see 14/11/2024 Path-breaking psychologist Prof Chabani Manganyi leaves an enduring... 06/11/2024 Maimane’s pass-rate ambitions need an education system to... 30/10/2024 Boys schools are as toxic as it gets 23/10/2024 Trump, white supremacy’s final challenge and the political... 16/10/2024 Report card: 100 days of nothing from our... 09/10/2024 Banning phones in the classroom is not the... 02/10/2024